Little Blessings

Hello and Happy Thursday!

We are officially half way through the year, folks! 😯

I took a deep breath. And launched my blog. One of my biggest life decisions to date. Would people read it? Will people be interested? People have be kind enough to tell me over the years I have a way with words. But is it in fact true? All these questions and fears were just a few of many that were racing through my mind.  I prayed about it, asking the Lord to give me a sign if I should pursue this venture.

About 3 months ago when the global pandemic was reaching its peak, I was staying with a friend. When I wasn't busy, I researched blogging websites and well, here we are.

First thing you should know as you read this, is that this blog is a little piece of me. My heart. My feelings. On paper. (Or in this case, a web page) Some days the words will spill out. And others, it may take days to compile an actual post that makes sense whatsoever.

I have debated long and hard as to what I should write about... I don't want to bore you with meaningless nonsense. So I've decided to tell you what the Lord has been teaching me lately. Because that, my friends is always a safe topic. And my relationship and faith in Christ is the most important part of my life.

While lots of people have had complaints during isolation, and worldly news reports of all kinds filter through our social feeds, I have realized just how important it is to base how everything I say, how I act and respond should be totally founded on the truth of Jesus Christ. Show Christ-likeness to anyone and everyone.

Spending extra time in God's Word is never a bad thing. And what it's taught me throughout the past few months has been to pray a whole lot more, and find little blessings in the everyday. Because mundane life can get pretty boring and you may lose sight of happy moments.

My parents have been put through the wringer the last few months with me. I'm a hormonal, emotional, person. And totally losing myself is not uncommon. But each day they keep putting with me and that's a blessing. Because I am so undeserving. And yet they are there for me. To guide me. To help me along through life. Parents are special!

A few other blessings this week is that I got a letter from a friend of mine. Random, unexpected, happy mail! And it delighted my soul.

An email from a friend! Social Media encouragement messages. People who say hello to me while I'm out for a walk out in the beautiful creation God has made. Things are blessings. But people are blessings too.  Show love to others today! Do something to show someone you care. Even if it's simply wearing a smile behind your mask.

Thanking the Lord for the blessing of having another day to give Him my whole life and honor him with my words and actions.

With Love, Abby 💕

"Bless the Lord , all his works in all places of his dominion: bless the Lord , O my soul."
Psalms 103:22 KJV


  1. I’m so glad you started a blog! Yes, I agree we need to show more love to people! So often people stay in their own little worlds, even when we’re with others, when we really should be reaching out. So many people are lonely and would be so blessed by a friendly “hello”!


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